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Fintech Shadaqah

Picture taken on Jan 14, 2022

Shariah Finance
; The root of the Shariah word actually means “
a way” in Arabic.
It’s the “right street or right way” to a more satisfactory financial situation for all parties.

Responsible citizens who by virtue of being vicegerents, rather than owners of earth and its resources act as travellers in this world.
As travellers, how much can then they amass?
They would only want to get what they need for the journey to be undertaken successfully, without excess.

laptop computer on glass-top table

Why Fintech Shadaqah?

We need to go back to 1915 when H.O.S Tjokroaminoto first introduced the idea of creating “BANK SHADAQAH.”
His idea was recorded by Buya Hamka

in his famous Al Quran Tafsir Al Azhar.

• Ide dicetuskan tahun 1915 pada saat bank-bank tumbuh di Eropa • Mendirikan bank dengan modal bukan dari orang-orang kaya yang menyimpankan uangnya di bank • Melainkan dari satu bahagian daripada zakat. Terutama Sabilillah • Dipinjamkan kepada orang-orang yang memerlukannya dengan keuntungan yang tipis dan pantas. Keuntungan itu dipergunakan untuk membangun Sabilillah


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